- Do you smoke?
- If you smoke, how much do you smoke in a day?
- If you smoke, when did you start doing it?
- If you smoke, why did you start? What was the reason?
- Have you ever smoked cigarettes? A cigar? A pipe?
- How much does it cost to smoke?
- How much does it cost to smoke in your country?
- Some countries put a high tax on tobacco products to discourage smoking.
- Do you think this is fair to smokers?
- Do you think a high tax on cigarettes encourages people to quit?
- What are the advantages of smoking, in your opinion?
- What are some health problems that smoking can cause?
- Does smoking make you more handsome or beautiful?
- Does smoking give you a better image or make you look more sophisticated?
- Do you think cigarettes make a person look older and more mature?
- Can cigarette smoking age an adult so they look older than they really are?
- Are you be attracted to people who smoke? Why or why not?
- Have you ever known anyone with "smoker's cough"?
- Have you ever known anyone who has died from diseases related to smoking?
- How do you feel about women smoking?
- How do you feel about children smoking?
- What is the youngest age that a person should be allowed to smoke?
- Can people smoke anywhere in your country?
- Are there any restrictions?
- Do you know what the laws are here about smoking in public places?
- Where can people smoke in your school?
- What happens to students who smoke at your school?
- Do you think students should be allowed to smoke at school?
- Is it a good thing for people to quit smoking?
- Would they like to quit smoking?
- Do you worry about people who smoke?
- Do other members of your family or friends smoke?
- How long have they been smoking?
- Why did they begin?
- Is it easy to quit smoking?
- What is the best way to quit?
- Have you, your family or friends ever tried to quit smoking?
- Do you know anyone who has successfully quit smoking?How did they do it?
- What do you think about the fact that the percentage of smokers in many countries is going down, but in China and some other countries the percentage of smokers is going up.
- In your opinion, why is this happening?
- Is it a good thing?
- How are tobacco products advertised in your country?
- Is it legal to show cigarette ads on TV? In magazines? On billboards?
- Do you think the production and sale of tobacco products should be made illegal? Why or why not?
- Do you find people smoking in public annoying?
- Should there be restrictions on smoking in public? What kind of restrictions?
- Do you smoke? If so, would you like to give up?
- If you smoke how old were you when you started smoking?
- Why did you start smoking, or why do you think people start smoking?
- In some countries and sectors of society, smoking is actually increasing. Which of the following would be the best way to reduce smoking? What would the advantages or advantages in each case?
- Treble the price of cigarettes.
- Make smoking illegal.
- Launch a public health campaign.
- Limit smoking to very specific areas.
- Something else.
- How do you react to cigarette smoke in your environment?
- It is sometimes claimed that smokers are more tolerant than non-smokers. While they are almost certainly more tolerant of cigarette smoke - do you think they are more tolerant in a more general sense? If so, in what way?
- Cigarette smoke contains poison gases, including carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, hydrogen cyanide, and ammonia. Under what circumstances is it legal to smoke and put these toxins into the atmosphere in your country?
- Do most people obey no-smoking restrictions where they exist in your country? Is there much social pressure to obey them?
- Do you know of anybody having been prosecuted for smoking in a prohibited area? What happened?
- The European Union is considering European legislation to harmonise smoking policies. Would this be a good idea? What would the advantages or disadvantages be?
- Many people feel that individuals should have the right to commit suicide. If individuals should have they right to commit suicide then why shouldn't they have the right to smoke?
- Smoking in the presence of babies and young children damages their lungs and may make them more likely to develop a nicotine habit. What would be the best way to reduce this activity?
- A pregnant woman who smokes damages someone in addition to themselves - their baby. Why isn't it illegal for pregnant women to smoke?
- Lighting and smoking a cigarette is a distraction while driving no matter how experienced a driver may be. What do you think about the suggestion that smoking and driving should be made illegal?
- Many years ago people used to smoke in cinemas, buses, trains, aeroplanes, in restaurants, at work, etc. Now each country has different laws and customs about where it is legal or socially permitted to smoke. Where do people smoke and not smoke in your country?
- In an ideal world, should smokers have the right to smoke wherever it is not expressly prohibited: or would it be better to only allow smoking where it is expressly permitted?
- How many illnesses are caused by smoking?
- What do you think about the concept of passive smoking?
- Should people who work in smoky environments be allowed (or obliged) to wear oxygen masks? Why, why not?
- What do you think about the suggestion that smokers should pay more for health insurance?
- It has been suggested that smokers should receive less aid from state medical services? What is your opinion?
- Smokers save the state money because they die earlier and so don't claim a pension from the state. Should the state encourage smoking for this reason?
- The state makes far more money in tax from the sale of cigarettes then the cigarette manufacturers make from the sale of cigarettes. Does this mean that the state should be responsible for compensating smokes who become ill?
ESL questions and discussion topics Smoking for use when teaching English as a foreign or second language. Discussion topics questions and ideas for teaching Adult ESL English as a foreign language / teaching abroad.Discussion topics questions and ideas for teaching Adult ESL English as a foreign language / teaching abroad, ESL lessons, speaking practice, debate clubs, lesson add-ons, and more.