Your Children
How many children do you have?
How old are they?
Are your children involved in clubs such as Girl Guides or Boy Scouts?
What kind of chores do you require your child (or children) to do?
Tell us one special thing about each of your children. (What are their strong points?)
Do you prefer to have a daughter or a son?
Raising Children
Do you think boys are more expensive than girls or vice versa? Why?
Do you think boys are easier to take care of than girls or vice versa? Why?
Do you help your children with their homework?
How much help do you think is appropriate?
Would you allow your son or daughter to pierce body parts?
- If so, what parts of the body would you allow to be pierced?
Would you allow you child to get a tattoo?
What are some things that you would not allow your children to do?
What are some things that you would allow your children to do that you think other parents may not allow their children to do? Why do you think it is okay to allow this?
Are there any sports that you consider too dangerous to allow your child to try? If so, what sports?
Do you spoil your child?
In what ways do you spoil your child?
What are some ways that you have seen others spoil their children?
Are you careful about your child's diet?
Are there any foods that you do not let your children eat?
Is there any food that you force your children to eat even though they don't like the food?
Parenting Skills
Do you think that you are a good parent? Why?
Do you think your parents were good parents?
Do you think your children will be good parents?
What are some things that your parents did that you would never do?
What are some things that you have seen other parents do that you would never do?
What do you think are some of the most difficult problems faced by parents?
Have you ever changed cloth diapers with safety pins and rubber pants before?
How do you cope with sibling rivalry?
How do you reward your children for the good things that they do?
Are all couples who can have children qualified enough for being parents?
Should a good mother give up her job to stay at home with her children?
Do you think it is OK for a father to stay at home with the children and have the mother work instead?
Do you think a mother is a better "stay at home parent" than a father? Why or why not? Does the age of the children matter?
Should women always get custody (keep the children) after a divorce? Why or why not?
Do you think it is okay for children to call their parents by their first names?
Do you call your parents by name?
Do your children call you by name?
Do you know anyone who does?
Do you think there should be a maximum age for parents to have a new child?
Should children work? Do you agree or disagree?
Do you think its OK to use drugs while pregnant?
Should criminals and morally corrupt people be prevented from having children by law?
Does biological parenthood necessarily mean that the parents are also qualified enough for bringing the child up?
Do you often read to your children? / Did you often read to your children?
How often?
For how long each time?
What kinds of books?
What kinds of things do you do with your children?
What kinds of things would you like to do with your children?
What kinds of things did you do with your children?
About how many hours a week do you spend doing things with your children?
Do you spend more time doing things with your children now than you did last year?
How do you usually punish your children?
What would you do if you found out your child was shoplifting (stealing)?
What would you do if your child lied to you?
What would you do if you found out your child jigged (skipped) school for a day?
How do you deal with your children when they fight with each other?
Do you think spanking is an appropriate form of punishment? Why or why not?
Have you ever rinsed your child's mouth out with soap as punishment for swearing?
Controversial Parenting Conversation Topics
Do you think it is OK to breast-feed in public?
What do you think when you see a mother breast-feeding her child in public?
Would you have your son circumcised? Why or why not?
Do you think gay couples can be good parents to adopted children?
What do you think about single mothers?
Should pregnant women that are unwed consider abortion?
Should any women consider abortion?
In what cases do you think abortion is acceptable?
When do you think abortion is unacceptable?
If you were a mother or father, would you allow your son or daughter to listen heavy metal music?
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ESL questions and discussion topics on parenting skills, punishing and discipline of children, raising children, school children, reading with and for children and controversial conversation topics and questions for use when teaching English as a foreign or second language. Discussion topics questions and ideas for teaching Adult ESL English as a foreign language / teaching abroad.Discussion topics questions and ideas for teaching Adult ESL CELTA TEFL EFL English as a foreign language / teaching abroad, ESL lessons, speaking practice, debate clubs, lesson add-ons, and more.